Finswimming disciplines


Partition of disciplines:
- surface disciplines
- apnea disciplines ( AP )
- immersion disciplines ( IM )
- long distance disciplines (LD)

   In all disciplines, except long distances, there are registered the best results and times.

Surface disciplines
Men: 50 mts., 100 mts., 200 mts., 400 mts., 800 mts., 1500 mts., 4 x 100 mts. relay, 4 x 200 mts. relay
50 mts., 100 mts., 200 mts., 400 mts., 800 mts., 1500 mts., 4 x 100 mts. relay, 4 x 200 mts. relay

Immersion disciplines (IM)
Men: 100 mts., 400 mts., 800 mts.
Women: 100 mts., 400 mts., 800 mts.

Apnea disciplines (AP)
Men: 50 mts.
Women: 50 mts.

Long distance disciplines (LD)
Men: 8 km
Women: 6 km
Boys: 6 km
Girls: 6 km

   These competitions are on the lakes or in the sea.
Distanční plavání

Partition of categories
- juniors to 11 years old
D - juniors to 13 years old
C - juniors to 15 years old
B - juniors to 17 years old
A - men, women

Differences of junior competitions from seniors
   Juniors have some limitations:
Category E
- they can compete with monofin, but its area can´t be larger then square 50 x 50 cm
- they don´t compete in immersion disciplines
- they swim 15 mts AP at maximum
Category D
- they swim 25 mts AP at maximum
Category C
- no limits
